Kabul, 15 December 2005

Agriculture Prospects Report
(October/November 2005)


Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Food
Food, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Information Management and Policy Unit
Food and Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations

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The present issue is the fifth issue of the bi-monthly Agriculture Prospects Report (APR). The first one was released in early-March 2005. It provided preliminary forecasts of this year’s wheat and rice production. The ensuing three issues were produced in mid-May, early-August and mid-October. The purposes of APR are to: (a) provide the estimates of annual crop area and production, (b) quantify the cereal surplus or deficit, (c) identify critical areas needing emergency interventions and/or development initiatives, and (d) present retail market prices of agricultural commodities and their analysis. The primary sources of information for APR are provincial agriculture offices. Radio and telephone are means of communication used for more frequent contacts with them. Information and data provided by other sources (e.g. technical departments in MAAHF, FAO, WFP, USGS Agro-met project) are also used.

© FAO 2005